Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Contestants are up, the battle approaches


Five contestants have given their confirmation to let your jaws drop at the upcoming event on Tuesday April 24. It's a very exclusive opportunity for you to listen to great talks about things you might not have heard about and you can decide who has inspired you most. Because we don't want to put you on hold, here are the names of the talents who will perform next week:

·         Anton Atanasov, Hanze Institute of Technology
·         Anton Miselaytes, Hanze University Groningen
·         Dore Steenhuizen, Hanze University Groningen
·         Kim Tsai, project manager/ trainer/ consultant
·         Rees Chikwendu, Hanze University Groningen

For the topics they will slam about we will let you know shortly so that you will know whats coming up for you. I hope you are looking just as much forward to this event as we do and spread the word around for the maximum amount of attention these speakers deserve to have.

Stay tuned for the next days if you want to have a glimps on the profiles of the speakers and more videos on science slams.

For all what is left to say: Be with us on coming Tuesday! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

We Slam Science Battle


we are proud to pronounce the 2nd Slam Event taking place on April 24, 2012 at 4:00 pm in "de Cast" at Hanzehogeschool in Groningen. We would like to welcome everyone with a drink and a snack and hopefully join a big community to have a marvellous event and learn a lot from our speakers.

Entry is, as always, free of charge and you need nothing more to grab your friends and family to take home great memories from jaw-dropping presentations. 

Additional information can be found on facebook under the following link but of course you can follow us on this blog for regular updates.

Join us on Facebook:

Hope to see you all there! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

First Science Slam event - review

Science Slam 2012 – “And the winner is…”

"Drug Targeting, Catheter Systems, Prussian Blue Crystals, Epic Poems and Efficiency Optimization where all on the agenda at HIT's first Science Slam held on Friday 10th February. Speakers with various professional backgrounds took to the floor for honour and fame by educating and entertaining the audience. Science Slam is a fast-paced tournament were speakers present, in the timeframe of 10 minutes, their specialized, scientific-based topic. It is crucial the slammers inspire, impress and interact with the audience. The audience is divided into subgroups, who grade each presentation out of 10. 
The competition was very tight. However, the winner of HIT’s first Science Slam was Chemistry Lecturer Ms. Esther Vertelman, who inspired the audience with her PhD thesis of Electron transfer properties in the Prussian Blue Analogues RbxMn[Fe(CN)6]y . zH2O. Ms. Vertelman prevailed with a single point against fellow HIT lecturer Ms. Eti de Vries’ “Dead or Alive – Epic Poem”. The entire event has been recorded and published online so that everybody can take a look...".

- Newsletter article by Malte Trauernicht

Special Moments:

Science Slam Award 2012

Colloquium room panorama

Winner: Mrs. Esther Vertelman

We want to thank every participant and visitor for making it such a good event and hope to see some familiar faces at following events. May the next battle commence soon!

For more pictures, please visit:  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Upcoming event!

The time has come!

On Friday 10th February 2012 this year's first Science Slam is going to be held in the Hanze Institute of Technology (HIT) in Assen. As part of a seminar offered by HIT we are honoured to kick off the first Science Slam there. Doors are open from 12:30 and the event is going to start at 13:00. Besides this event two workshops and the HIT challenge can be visited which are followed up by a networking session. Hope to see y'all there.... :-)

To give you a little idea of how presentations might look like, here another video from our Science Slam supporters in Aachen, Germany. Check it out!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Presenting Science

Presenting in front of an audience is for most people not an easy task to do and can give them a hard time prior to their presentation and especially on the stage. Presenting science, however, can be even more difficult because of its rather complex nature to people. Untrained and easily distracted listeners are therefore hard to entertain and even if they give them your attention it can become tricky keep it and to convey the message you want to bring accross. The key is to not overflow their brains with too much detailed and complex information but rather to keep it to the simplest level possible. Also, making use of  nonverbal communication and cues can amplify your message and makes it certainly more attractive to listen to you than without using them.

An idea of how your science can be brought to your audience you can grasp by the few points mentioned in the following video. These tips are not a complete list of what has to be done during a presentation but shall help as a reminder to what makes it easy to listen to you even though your topic may be tough to understand

Science presentation skills

Also to tackle the fear of talking in front of a group, what and what not to do in front of an audience, you might find the following video interesting:

More those of you who might want to have a more "scientific" approach to the structure and presentation of a 10-minute talk these video instructions might give you a clearer picture of how to convey scientific gift you want to deliver to the audience:

                                                                   Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Body of the presentation